Receive real-time Slack notifications
The integration for Slack is to receive real-time notifications on Chargeback Alerts.

Get notified of alerts in Slack
The integration for Slack allows you to receive immediate notifications for any alerts we issue. This is great to have in case you would receive alerts that require manual attention.

No-code set up
You can seamlessly set up a Slack channel and receive notifications without any custom coding.
How to set it up
Quick and easy.
Frequently asked questions
Here are the most frequently asked questions we get about Chargeback.
Chargeback is a chargeback prevention service designed to do exactly what its name suggests—prevent chargebacks.
We achieve this by alerting you about transactions in which the customer has just requested a chargeback. We will then automatically refund these transactions before they escalate into chargebacks.
This helps reduce your chargeback rate, lower fees, and minimize potential payment processor issues.
Currently, we support Stripe, Shopify Payments, Braintree, Chargebee, and Recurly. We also plan to expand our integration to include Klarna and Adyen.
No, there is no ongoing management needed. The setup takes just a few minutes, and then our system runs on autopilot, allowing you to focus on growing your business without distractions.
We have no onboarding fees, no contracts, or monthly minimums. Chargeback is free to start, and we only charge per alert.
A chargeback alert notifies you of incoming chargebacks 24-48 hours before they're officially filed.
This allows you to automatically issue a refund to avoid the chargeback. Reducing your chargeback rate, lowering fees, and minimizing potential payment processor issues.
Integration with your payment processor typically takes a few minutes. Depending on the system you activate, we aim to have you live within 12 hours.
Yes, you can cancel our service at any time.